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Country Rankings

The standing when 7 of the 7 matches have been decided. The highest possible score is 12 points and the average score among all the contestants is 4,75 points (39,58%).

Rnk Country Score Num Avg % Rating*
1. Northern Ireland 12 1 12.00 100.00 6.1191
2. Norway 42 6 7.00 58.33 6.0613
3. Hungary 23 3 7.67 63.89 5.9494
4. Scotland 10 1 10.00 83.33 5.7414
4. Japan 10 1 10.00 83.33 5.7414
4. Hong Kong 10 1 10.00 83.33 5.7414
7. Switzerland 27 4 6.75 56.25 5.7144
8. Portugal 21 3 7.00 58.33 5.6752
9. Romania 32 5 6.40 53.33 5.6375
10. Netherlands 18 3 6.00 50.00 5.2640
11. Poland 17 3 5.67 47.22 5.1269
12. Sweden 61 12 5.08 42.36 4.9955
13. Brazil 31 6 5.17 43.06 4.9928
14. Australia 26 5 5.20 43.33 4.9921
15. Latvia 11 2 5.50 45.83 4.9883
15. Croatia 11 2 5.50 45.83 4.9883
17. Ireland 35 7 5.00 41.67 4.9049
18. Germany 49 10 4.90 40.83 4.8549
19. Ukraine 10 2 5.00 41.67 4.8294
20. Austria 5 1 5.00 41.67 4.7972
21. Nigeria 33 7 4.71 39.29 4.7279
22. Slovenia 9 2 4.50 37.50 4.6706
23. Malaysia 4 1 4.00 33.33 4.6084
23. Lebanon 4 1 4.00 33.33 4.6084
23. Italy 4 1 4.00 33.33 4.6084
23. Iceland 4 1 4.00 33.33 4.6084
23. Greece 4 1 4.00 33.33 4.6084
28. Bulgaria 12 3 4.00 33.33 4.4416
29. Sri Lanka 3 1 3.00 25.00 4.4195
29. Iran 3 1 3.00 25.00 4.4195
29. China 3 1 3.00 25.00 4.4195
32. England 154 36 4.28 35.65 4.3281
33. Russia 37 9 4.11 34.26 4.3175
34. Finland 32 8 4.00 33.33 4.2620
35. Czech Republic 2 1 2.00 16.67 4.2307
35. Belarus 2 1 2.00 16.67 4.2307
35. Argentina 2 1 2.00 16.67 4.2307
38. Belgium 27 7 3.86 32.14 4.1967
39. Spain 10 3 3.33 27.78 4.1674
39. New Zealand 10 3 3.33 27.78 4.1674
41. Canada 14 4 3.50 29.17 4.1473
42. United States 51 13 3.92 32.69 4.1284
43. Wales 9 3 3.00 25.00 4.0304
44. France 3 2 1.50 12.50 3.7175

* Rating = ( (Avg Entries Per Country * Avg Score) + (Num * Score) ) / (Avg Entries Per Country + Num)
See Bayesian Rating - how to implement a weighted rating system (TheBroth.com)

Event Prediction - © 1996-2020 Hermund Årdalen ([email protected])